Seven Bambinos

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Fellowship

Isn't fellowship sweet? I love when a body of believers gets together to have a good time. Today we were blessed to be able to take another couple and thier five children out for lunch. They are fairly new to the church and have some super cute kids. They were so thankful that we invited them. We considered it part of our tithe for the week. But isn't it a great feeling to think you have been pursued for friendship. People reaching out to you, desiring your company, wanting to get to know you more? It just feels good. Makes you feel important, liked.
Isn't it amazing how Jesus pursues us? How he loves us and desires fellowship with us? All we need to do is stay hard after Him. No matter where we find ourselves in any given situation, stay hard after the Lord. He will always be our everything. Stay, abide, pursue Him like He does us. Life will be different, days will change, moments will turn into joy. Find perfect fellowship in the One who is madly in love with you.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Thursday's are the best days around here, the highlights of our week. First we attend bible study, then we break for lunch(that we pack every week), then our homeschool co-op meets in the same building and finally, once a month our church has Family/Art jam. Family Jam is a time when the whole family is invited to worship together. Small and big alike. Most of the young ladies enjoy singing on the stage while the young boys take over the instruments. It's a come as you can play policy however gifted or not you may be. Sometimes there is a very interesting sound that bellow from that stage and other times it just makes me want to break down in tears watching all the young kids worship their Jesus. Last night my seven year old got up there and grabbed the mic and started belting out...our God is greater, our God is stronger...God you are higher then any other! He didn't care, it was great. Then there is the art table in back where they draw, draw, draw. They make a mural every time and it is such a great way for them to express themselves. Again, some are definatley more talented then others but who cares...they are having fun and hearing the great sounds of worship as they do it.
My favorite part of the day is of course the bible study. We are doing Beth Moore's, David and I am really loving it(why wouldn't I's my Siesta Momma!). I had to cram in my homework last week but so far I have been able to keep up. A friend of mine started coming this semester so I am glad she is there to mingle and meet new people. Plus I think she is really loving it too. The video yesterday was awesome! Beth was talking about how fight the "good/beautiful" fight against our enemy. It was a reminder I needed to hear. That we wrestle not with flesh and blood...Yes Lord! I wrestle with the very enemy of my soul. I want to fight to knock him out, not as one beating the air but as one with a great big PUNCH!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Video testing on Blogger

ohh...I am getting good here...a video!
one of my new favorite songs...Thrid Day/Sing a Song

Thank You, Lord

I want to thank Jesus for an amazing son. I am tickled pink over him this morning. He was in Mexico all week on a missions trip and since he got home I have heard nothing but praise about the way he was was he was gone. One of our elders were put in charge over him for the week and he said he did an amazing job. He got himeself from point A to point B, kept all of his belongins in order(i.e. passport, paper work, carry on, etc.), and worked like a horse. He kept up with all the men and worked as hard as everybody out there. Kept himself busy, killed a few scorpions, built a church roof, poured a concrete floor, played soccer, went swimming and most of all made us proud. Even though I couldn't be prouder, I know Jesus is even more tickled. His kid is growing up! Growing in Him! I have to admit the teenage years are a little "touchy" and I am feeling like I never have enough wisdom...but I know God is faithful. I spoke with a mom of nine the other week and she was thrilled to see the fruit from her older children who are now having kids of their own and growing in the Lord. I am anxious for those days but will settle for the bits and pieces of growth in these days now...thank you Lord that you hear the cries of this mothers heart.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Off to the Airport!

Today a few of us are doing a suprise pick up at the airport to get our son. He is coming home from a week in Mexico on a mission trip with our church. I must admit, I am not feeling the greatest but I am going to hide it so we can go anyway! I am excited at the opportunity to go and love the excitement of airports. I haven't been to one in a while. I love to fly just never have the chance.
I finally love my new "look" on this blog. Again, I spent way to much time yesterday and left my kids to their our resources for the majority of the day. I must make myself stop! Please pray for me. Anyway if you happen to stop by and read this, let me know what you think.
See you soon.
May the name of the Lord be praised! For He is good!

Friday, February 11, 2011

So excited

I am so excited to be on new footing with an "almost" new year and some added flair to my blog. I spent way to much time on here yesterday figuring things out and now it has turned into a slight addicition/obession. I should really be busy hanging with my kids, doing school, dishes, laundry or something other then this, oh's been fun.
I must admit I am not a writer or never feel like I have anything quite to earthshattering to say but I guess God can still use us simple folk.
I am currently doing Beth Moore's DAVID at my bible study and have been so blessed already and we are only on Lesson 3. Her video yesterday was so encouraging. I often wish after the video instead of breaking into small groups we should have some serious prayer time. I am always on this "spiritual high" and wanting to just pray something fierce about what she just said. Anyway, she was challenging us yesterday with Psalm 62 and pouring our hearts out to the LORD...cry out to Him, for He is our refuge. I wanted to let it all out right there(which probably wouldn't have been very pretty) but Yes, Lord! I want to pur it out so You can fill it up!
You are so faithful Lord. Thank you for always hearing my prayers. You alone are God and worthy to be trusted and praised!